Old Sarum Primary School

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is a big part of the provision that we provide here at old Sarum primary school, we ensure that the Physical, Mental and emotional wellbeing of all the pupils are cared for. We aim to ensure that every pupil has access to support from the pastoral team and strive to build support that is affective and that our pupils have the best chances at success.

We provide children with safe spaces, self-regulation zones and we use worry jars where the children are encouraged to share a worry, which is then followed up by the pastoral team. We want every child to have safe secure relationships within the school which allow them to share and experience feelings in a space where they are acknowledged and supported. All which allows children to build up their resilience and to recognise their own ability to self-regulate.

We do this by

  • Pastoral check in’s
  • 1 to 1 support
  • Hamish and Milo
  • Forest school
  • Sensory breaks
  • Drop in’s

Hamish and Milo are a resource that we use here at old Sarum Primary school. It provides us with a range of social emotional and mental health intervention programmes and training. Which our Pastoral team will deliver once recommended by their teachers or the SLT team. This ensures that we all work closely to deliver impactful sessions which support the children to gain the most from their school day and supports their overall skills that they can use in the future. Please see the link bellow for more details on Hamish and Milo.



Emotional Literacy Support:

Miss Wingfield is a qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant’s (ELSA) at Old Sarum Primary School. She provides a support programme for pupils of all ages who are experiencing temporary or longer term additional emotional or social needs.

These may include:

  • Recognising emotions
  • Anger management
  • Self-esteem
  • Loss and bereavement
  • Social skills
  • Sadness, anxiety
  • Building resilience
  • Coping strategies
  • Bullying issues
  • Therapeutic stories

Miss Wingfield is trained to support children with ELSA counselling, PTSD, attachment and de-escalation.

Strategies are tailored for each individual child so they can use the skills they have learnt at school and in the home.

She plans her support under the regular clinical supervision of the School Educational Psychology services and Wiltshire Behaviour Support Team. She has support from our local Educational Psychologist whenever needed for extra advice. When new research is released the ELSA is informed and trained to use the best methods.

Old Sarum Primary School highly values the work of our ELSA because of the positive impact this support has on improving children’s wellbeing and readiness to learn. We are proud to host network meetings and training for our Emotional Literacy Support in the Salisbury area.

Jay Greennough is Mental Health First Aid .