Special Educational Needs
Old Sarum Primary actively encourages and supports the participation and inclusion of all children and, in accordance with our Equality Policy; this includes those with special educational needs. Teachers and support staff work hard to provide appropriate adaptations, adjustments and support to assist the development of all children in the class.
Additional SEND needs may relate to the following broad areas:
- Cognition and learning
- Behaviour, emotional and social difficulties
- Speech and language
- Social communication disorders
- Physical impairments
- Sensory impairmentS
We follow the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and our policy is reviewed annually. (please see below) We aim to identify children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) as soon as possible, in order to implement early intervention to support the individual child. We work hard to ensure any children joining us with identified SEND are planned for to ensure a smooth transition and suitable provision is put in place. The school environment is designed to be welcoming and accessible to all.
We recognise that parents play a key role in the education of their children and therefore aim to work in partnership taking your views and considerations into account when catering for the specific needs of your child. We never underestimate the power of close home/school communication and support in securing the best outcomes for our children.
Our school SENDCO is Mrs Chalcraft, who works Mondays-Thursdays. Mrs Chalcraft is also a member of the Senior Leadership and Safeguarding team.
We work in consultation with the Local Authority and other external agencies where needed and are further supported by the SEND team within the Trust.
If you wish to speak to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) please contact Mrs Anna Chalcraft on 01722 410677 or email sendco@oldsarum.wilts.sch.uk
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Wiltshire's Local Offer
As part of our SEND provision we signpost relevant and up to date support for our parents/careers through the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC).
For more information about the Local Offer and the WPCC please click on the buttons below:
Wiltshire Local Offer | Wiltshire Parent Council | Wiltshire Family Hubs |
Wiltshire Spurgeons | Wiltshire SENDIASS |
SEND Contact Form