Old Sarum Primary School


Old Sarum Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Who we are and what we do:

The Old Sarum Primary School PTA is a charity (number: 1201550, https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5199239) and a group of volunteer parents and teachers who work (hard!) together to put on memorable events for the children and their families, whilst engaging with, and improving relations with the local community. We aim to raise essential funds for purchasing material improvements in the school to enhance the physical school area and learning environment for all who attend. We were responsible for funding the new playground markings from the very successful community summer fête (in July 2022), have funded the Christmas pantomime for the last 3 years, funded £10 per pupil for the Year 6 leavers every year and also run the second-hand uniform sale, Christmas jumper exchange and host/ organise fun events and discos every term.

We hold committee meetings termly, to plan and organise future fundraising events.  Our Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/OldSarumPrimaryPTA. You can contact us by email pta@oldsarum.wilts.sch.uk to clarify any details or please do approach us in the playground/ school as we will be wearing our PTA lanyards on drop-off and pick-up to ensure visibility to all.

We are always keen to welcome new people and their ideas for how to raise funds and how they can be spent, to the team (committee or simply event helpers) and would be delighted to hear from anyone that can spare a few hours throughout the year to help.  If your company or business is able to offer any help through donations, raffle prizes, volunteering or matched funding please contact us email: pta@oldsarum.wilts.sch.uk.

Officers and Charity Trustees:

Chair: Dani Firmin



Deputy Chair: Lisa Clarke


Treasurer: Nina Cope


Secretary: Julia Dineen



Parent Committee Members:


Julia Aley:




Pippa Alford:


Lorna & Sam Foster:

Adriena Hopson:



Holly Gillespie:


Janine Harvell:


Marina Jones:


Gemma Spearing:

Teacher Committee Members:



Next Events:

  • Monday 31st March 2025 Guess the number of eggs 
  • Friday 4th April 2025 Crazy hair day 
  • Tuesday 20th and Thursday 22nd Sports Day refreshments 
  • Friday 20th June Teddy Takeover
  • Thursday 17th July Summer Disco with Disco Dion YR & KS1 4.30 - 5.30pm, KS2 6 - 7pm.
  • Saturday 12th July Summer Fete 

Full events calendar for 24/25:


Next Event: Guess the number of Eggs - 31st March 2025



Thank You's:

Thank you so much to all families for your continued support in helping to raise vital funds for the school. We look forward to seeing you at our planned events this academic year and to any suggestions you may have as to how the funds we raise can be spent. 


We have signed up as an EasyFundraising cause; this is a platform/app which donates a percentage of what you spend to a cause of your choice, without costing you anything extra. If you make a purchase through them, a commission is generated, and they turn that into a donation for our cause. Please do sign up to help support us in this way. It is quick and easy and does not cost you a thing, but generates much-needed funds for the school One of the PTA can refer you which gets us an extra £1 for each sign up so please ask one of us and find our more here below or here: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/old-sarum-pta


If you are looking to order name labels, please consider using MyNametags. The school's ID number is:  104980 and is detailed on the poster below and should be entered at checkout. It doesn’t cost you anything extra but the school will receive 24% of the cost of each order!




Matched Funding 

Dear Parents and carers, 

Do you work for an organisation who has a match funding or match giving scheme? If so, we would love to hear from you. It could be a great way for us to maximise our fundraising. Hundreds of organisations offer match funding schemes, such as banks, building societies, insurance companies, supermarkets, utility providers, phone companies & car manufacturers. Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco & Barclays currently do, or have in the past run such schemes. Many smaller/independent companies may also be interested in match funding. So please do speak to your line manager or human resources department to find out if a donation matching scheme exists. The schemes vary but can include a donation to a charity of your choosing, matching an amount you have donated or matching money you have helped raise whilst volunteering at an event. We assure you we are not asking for any com itment to volunteer or to make a donation and it should be a straightforward process. If for example you were already helping at one of our events, we could double our fundraising efforts. If you think your employer might have a donation scheme, please do get in touch at pta@oldsarum.wilts.sch.uk

Thank you,

Old Sarum Primary PTA Old Sarum Primary PTA

Registered Charity: 1201550

Bank Details for online payments

Don't forget if you don't have cash at any of our events, you can always send a bank transfer with your child's name as reference to:

Old Sarum Primary School PTA

Lloyd's Bank

Sort code: 77-50-12

Account number: 33917260

PTA documents: